To or from text
Converts one or more tables to text, OR converts selected text to a table.
Method for converting tables to text
Text is copied from each table cell starting at the top left of the table.
The table cells can be read horizontally left to right by row OR vertically from top to bottom by column.The table is deleted from the document and replaced by the text.
NOTE: You can select multiple tables and convert them all to text in one go!
Example 1: Converting selected tables to text — cell text separated by paragraphs:
The effect of reading the table horizontally by row, or vertically by column are illustrated below.
The text colours were added after converting.
Example 2: Converting selected tables to text — cell text separated by commas:
The effect of reading the table horizontally by row, or vertically by column are illustrated below.
The text colours were added after converting.
Method for converting text to a table:
A new table is created, and the selected text is copied into the new table cells.
If 'paragraphs' is selected as the cell text separator, then each paragraph of text forms a cell in the new table. In that case, you must specify the number of rows or columns in the new table.
If another cell text separator is chosen, then each paragraph of the selected text forms one row or column of the new table.
The separator characters indicate where the text for each cell begins.
See examples below:
Example 1: Converting selected text to a table — cell text separated by paragraphs:
NOTE: Text colours added for emphasis. TableMate does not copy text formatting when creating tables from text.
Example 2: Converting selected text to a table — cell text separated by commas:
NOTE: Text colours added for emphasis. TableMate does not copy text formatting when creating tables from text.
Converting tab formatted text to tables
It is common to create table-like structures in a Doc by using tabs to line up text items on a page, like this:
When convert tab-formatted text to a table, you would choose the option: 'Cell text separated by tabs'.
In that case, assuming we are creating the table by row, then each tab character tells TableMate to start a new column.
That means, that if there are multiple tab characters between text items, then empty cells will be created, which you may not want.
The diagrams below explain this situation:
If you don't want multiple tabs to create empty cells, then choose the 'Ignore duplicate tabs' option as shown below: