Column widths

Method for adjusting column widths:

Option 1: Fit table columns to content width.
NOTE: I have now improved this feature to be much more accurate. Previously, it assumed the font was Arial. For other fonts it simply didn't work. Now it uses specific font information and so is a far more useful tool and is quite accurate most of the time.  But manual adjustment will still be needed sometimes!
( It is very difficult to measure the length of a line of text in a Google Doc perfectly accurately. The accuracy will depend on what characters are used. For example, 'MMMM' is much wider than 'llll' for a variable width font like 'Arial'.  For monospaced font like 'Courier New', it will always be accurate because all characters have the same width, eg: 'MMMM' and 'llll'

The font size and text length of each cell are measured. The width of all selected columns will be adjusted to fit the contents.

Option 2: Set all table columns to a fixed width.

Enter a value in centimetres into the box provided. The width of all selected columns will be set to this value:

Option 3: Use the slider.

Click the 'Match slider to table width' button. TableMate then measures the width of the first table selected and sets the slider position to match, as shown below:

Now you can move the slider to change the table width. The slider position relates directly to the distance between the page margins, as shown below.

When you release the slider button, the table width will be adjusted immediately without clicking 'OK'. 

NOTE: If a table does not start at the left margin of the page (ie it has a left indent), the slider still works, but the maximum slider position will extend the table beyond the right page margin. 

Selecting whole tables or columns.

Option 1: Apply adjustments to all columns

Select 'All columns' as the scope. All columns of all selected tables will then be modified when changing the table width.

To select one table, click in a table cell to put the cursor there, or select some or all cells of the table. 

You can also select multiple tables in the document. 

Option 2: Apply adjustments only to selected columns

NOTE: All columns will be adjusted if the table extends beyond the page margins.

Select 'Only selected columns' as the scope. Only selected columns will then be modified when changing the table width.

To select one table column, you can click to put the cursor in the required column, or make any selection in that column.

To select multiple columns, make any selection in the table that contains the columns you want to adjust.